Monday, December 29, 2008

My Edhel Taren

When I saw him on LOTR 7 years ago, I knew I was in love! You can see why!

At the age of 14 years old-- years before I even had my first and only boyfriend (who is my "EX" now, btw), I fell in love. (hahaha! What a way to address it!)
I thought I was just going to view a movie which is almost certainly like any other escapade movie or whatever you call it, but, HELL, NO! It definitely, beyond doubt, was not.

When I first saw Legolas Greenleaf (Just for an added info. Legolas means "greenleaf". Redundancy! haha! But it doesn't matter anyway), my heart was beating like it never did before.
I was like "God in heaven, is this.... love?" (laughs)

Everything about him is just so, out of lack of a word to describe it, ASTOUNDING!!!

I was, without any resistance, held captive by this enchanting elf warrior/prince.

Enamored is the best word to designate how I felt. I've never seen someone so fine as him.

He's near to perfection. His facade is flawless. That long, silky blonde hair, those eyes with a fierce stare (and a mesmerizing one when he smiles), and oh.. not to mention those scrumptious lips. It's just too much to take. lols.
His features are well put together (thanks to J.R.R Tolkien's imaginings).

He preserves such grace as he strides in speeding moments. His crafty bowmanship leaves my heart dazed as he shoots Orcs (grotesque enemy monsters in LOTR) one by one, showing them no mercy.(Bloody Hell!)

But,even with all his superb physiognomy, he never was a smug. He remains to be humble, with enough love in his heart.

There! That's how I bumped into love, and that's all about my Premier Amour. It's silly when you come to think of it, but really, if I find someone with his likeness, I'll surely be taken with him.

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